GMP+ is a certification scheme related to the production, transport and marketing of feed based on the control of all the elements that define the quality of zootechnical feed.
Continuous monitoring is conducted on production processes, equipment, work environments and laboratories in which to perform self-control analyses, through respect for points defined by the Company, continuous inspections and corrective actions established.
The main features of the GMP + regulations are:
- requirements relating to the company’s internal quality system (based on ISO 9001)
- application of the HACCP methodology to guarantee safety
- generic measures and requirements for the production process, including traceability and products recall
- compliance with mandatory and voluntary regulations
GMP+ certification gives evidences and guarantees that animal feeds and feed ingredients meet legal requirements and agreements made with other players in the supply chain.
It therefore testifies to the company’s commitment to feed safety, as the feed industry, including suppliers of ingredients, is an integral part of the feed chain and is responsible for product safety.
GMP+ certification has multiple advantages:
- communicating trust to customers, demonstrating with a third party certification that feed or feed ingredients are produced with safe processes;
- demonstrating that all reasonable precautions have been taken;
- reducing the number of audits conducted by customers and, consequently, reduce management times;
- reduce waste and product recalls.
The GMO FREE voluntary certification standard allows the certification of the production of products intended for livestock feed.
This certification concerns the control carried out by operators in order to guarantee compliance with the limit of 0.9%, to be understood as a technically unavoidable and/or accidental maximum limit in the preparation processes of zootechnical feed.
- In the case of animal derivatives (milk, meat, cured meats, cheeses, eggs etc.), the certification is aimed at ensuring that the products derive from animals fed with zootechnical feed compliant with the previous point.
The certification is issued in an Accredia accredited environment on the basis of the common rules defined by RT-11 Accredia.
The previous revision of the standard concerned only some raw materials at risk of GMOs (soybeans and corn), while with the new version of RT-11 the guarantee is extended to all GMO plant species admitted at EU level (currently soy, corn, rapeseed , cotton and beet).
This certification is required by large scale retain channels and/or large Italian and international animal supply chains.
The NO-GMO certification is also recognized in the case of voluntary labelling regulations for beef and poultry with particular reference to zootechnical foods.
The standard requires:
- careful mapping of raw materials at GMO risk and the processing procedures involved,
- the adoption of supplier qualification systems and analytical control of raw materials,
- the adoption of actions to ensure the use of NO-GMO raw materials,
- the adoption of actions aimed at reducing the risk of cross contamination,
- analytical checks on final products,
- communication to the consumer.
In the presence of certified products, in an accredited environment, for the NO-GMO requirement it is possible to recognize the certification through the institution of “mutual recognition of accredited certifications”.
Who want to obtain organic certification or the suitability to produce feed that can be used in organic farming as in the case of Bio Vit, must comply with the EC Reg. 834/2007, which defines the system of production, transformation, labelling, control and certification in the European Union.
Organic farming is an agricultural production method that enhances the natural fertility of the ground ecosystem, the healthiness of the products and strengthens sustainability without using synthetic products (as pesticides and chemical fertilizers).
The standard provides for the initial visit by an inspector who proceeds with the verification of the compliance of the company and the documentation prepared with the EU regulation and submits a report to the certification body.
Once the documents and results of the start-up phase have been evaluated, the certification entity decides for the admission of the operator to the organic control system.
Based on an annual Preventive Control Plan, the certification body monitors and evaluates the maintenance of compliance with the reference standard.